The difference is clear in a wide
variety of situations

  1. Design Selection

    Enables greatly reduced wiring

    Multi-Output Unit

    Ultra-compact sensor heads

    More than 200 fibre units

  2. Installation

    Anyone can easily perform sensor head alignment

    Optical-axis alignment assistance function

  3. Adjustment

    Information is easy to see and is displayed as text

    OLED display

    Setup can be performed by a single user, as the head can confirm its alignment condition

    Pairing function

  4. Operation Predictive maintenance

    Unprecedented power and overall improvements to basic performance

    New parabolic LED

    Quickly spot problems e.g. Dirt build-up, thanks to an intuitive display

    Bar display function

    Conveying sensor malfunctions to the user before they happen

    Notification function

  5. Problems

    The amplifier instructs the user how to solve problems

    Calibration navigation function

    Settings can be saved

    Backup function

    Quickly find disconnected cables

    Active Receiver

  6. Improvements

    Fast and simple replacement of previously installed equipment

    Bank switching and saving function

Certainty and Simplicity.
Once you use it, you’ll never let it go.

For details, see the catalogue.

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